Monday, February 22, 2010

SOME 3rd general meeting Winter 2010

Date: Mon. Feb. 22
Time: 5-6 pm
Topic: Allocation of Scarce Medical
Article: Nicholas Rescher, “The Allocation of Exotic Medical
Lifesaving Therapy”

Hello S.O.M.E. members

Our last general meeting will be on Monday, February 22 @ 5pm (Costo Hall Lower I/II)
Topic: Allocation of Exotic Lifesaving Therapy

If you have not attended any meetings this quarter and would still like to be considered an active member, this meeting is your last chance for Winter 2010.

If you attended at least one meeting but did not submit your membership application and would like to be an active S.O.M.E. member starting Winter 2010, make sure that you fill it out and drop it off along with the membership dues at the Student Life office (2nd floor HUB).