Tuesday, October 20, 2009

General Meeting

General Meeting 

Time: Thursday October 15 
Location: HUB Costo LWR I 
Topic: Eugenics 

2 General Meeting 
Time: Thursday October 29 
Location: HUB 379 
Topic: Abortion / Case of Kenneth Edelin 

3 General Meeting 
Time: Thursday November 12 
Location: HUB 379 
Topic: The influence of religious views on medical decisions 

We will also have officer meetings in between the general meetings, so if you are interested to get more involved, email me and I will let you know the dates and the upcoming agendas. 

II. Please join us on Facebook: search for “Student Organization for Medical Ethics”.  We also have a page at www.student.ucr.edu where you can leave your comments, start blogs, etc. The FB page will also have blogs with links to the info for the upcoming meetings.  You are more than welcome to leave your comments and any links to useful info on either page. 

III. There are two options for the membership.  We offer a yearly membership in the amount of $10 and a lifetime membership in the amount of $30.  You would need to fill out an application and bring it by October 25th, 2009 to the Student Life office that is located on the second floor at HUB (to the right of the elevators).  Please refer to the attached application for further details.  The membership fee applies to all students:  the new and current members as well as to the students who were invited to join via SOLAR.   

Hope to see you at our first general meeting! 

Yuliya Olimpiadi 
Student Organization for Medical Ethics 

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